The main API endpoint is: https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api. This endpoint displays the API documentation and forms the base URL for the 5 other endpoints.

The other endpoints available in the API are:

Five paths/endpoints are available in the API - /api/all, /api/alpha, /api/subdivision, /api/country_name and /api/name.

  • The /api/all path/endpoint returns all of the ISO 3166 subdivision data for all countries.

  • The /api/alpha endpoint accepts the 2 letter alpha-2, 3 letter alpha-3 or numeric country codes appended to the path/endpoint e.g. /api/alpha/JP. A single alpha code or list of them can be passed to the API e.g. /api/alpha2/FR,DEU,HUN,360,504. If an invalid alpha code is input then an error will be returned.

  • The /api/subdivision endpoint accepts the ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes, e.g /api/subd/GB-ABD. You can also input a list of subdivision code and the data for each will be returned e.g /api/subd/IE-MO,FI-17,RO-AG. If the input subdivision code is not in the correct format then an error will be raised. Similarly if an invalid subdivision code that doesn’t exist is input then an error will be raised.

  • The /api/country_name endpoint accepts the country/territory name as it is most commonly known in english, according to the ISO 3166-1 e.g /api/country_name/Denmark. A single country name or list of them can be passed into the API e.g. /api/country_name/France,Moldova,Benin. A closeness function is utilised so the most approximate name from the input will be used e.g. Sweden will be used if input is /api/country_name/Swede. If no country is found from the closeness function or an invalid name is input then an error will be returned.

  • The /api/name endpoint accepts the ISO 3166-2 subdivision names, e.g /api/name/Derry. You can also input a list of subdivision name from the same or different countries and the data for each will be returned e.g /api/name/Paris,Frankfurt,Rimini. A closeness function is utilised to find the matching subdivision name, if no exact name match found then the most approximate subdivisions will be returned. Some subdivisions may have the same name, in this case each subdivision and its data will be returned e.g /api/name/Saint George,Sucre. This endpoint also has the likeness score (?likeness=) query string parameter that can be appended to the URL. This can be set between 1 - 100, representing a % of likeness to the input name the return subdivisions should be, e.g: a likeness score of 90 will return fewer potential matches whose name only match to a high degree compared to a score of 10 which will create a larger search space, thus returning more potential subdivision matches. A default likeness of 100 (exact match) is used, if no match found then this is reduced to 90. If an invalid subdivision name that doesn’t match any is input then an error will be raised.

  • The main API endpoint (/ or /api) will return the homepage and API documentation.

Accessing subdivision data for all countries

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
all_data = requests.get(base_url + "all").json()

all_data["AD"] #subdivision data for Andorra
all_data["IE"] #subdivision data for Ireland
all_data["PW"] #subdivision data for Palau


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/all

Accessing subdivision data per country, using its ISO 3166-1 alpha codes

For example, accessing all subdivision data for France, Germany or Gambia (FR, DE, GM), via their alpha-2 country code:

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_alpha2 = "FR" #DE, GM
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()

all_data["FR"] #subdivision data for France


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/FR
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/DE
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/GM

For example, accessing all subdivision data for Greece, Mexico or Montenegro (GRC, MEX, MNE), via their alpha-3 country code:

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_alpha2 = "GRC" #MEX, MNE
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()

all_data["GR"] #subdivision data for Greece


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/GRC
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/MEX
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/MNE

For example, accessing all subdivision data for Nicaragua, Papa New Guinea or Qatar (558, 598, 634), via their alpha numeric code:

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_alpha2 = "558" #598, 634 (NI, PG, QA)
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/alpha/{input_alpha}').json()

all_data["NI"] #subdivision data for Nicaragua


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/558
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/598
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/alpha/634

Accessing all subdivision data for a specific subdivision, using its subdivision code

For example, accessing all subdivision data for Alūksnes novads, Colón and Northern Cape (LV-007, PA-3, ZA-NC):

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_subdivision = "LV-007" #PA-3, ZA-NC
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/subdivision/{input_subdivision}').json()

all_data["LV-007"] #data for LV-007 subdivision


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/subdivision/LV-007
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/subdivision/PA-3
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/subdivision/ZA-NC

Accessing all subdivision data for a specific country, using its name

For example, accessing all subdivision data for Tajikistan, Seychelles, Uganda:

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_country_name = "Tajikistan" #Seychelles, Uganda
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/country_name/{input_country_name}').json()

all_data["TJ"] #subdivision data for Tajikistan
all_data["SC"] #subdivision data for Seychelles
all_data["UG"] #subdivision data for Uganda


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/country_name/Tajikistan
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/country_name/Seychelles
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/country_name/Uganda

Accessing all subdivision data for a specific subdivision, using its subdivision name

For example, accessing all subdivision data for Saarland, Brokopondo, Delaware:

Python Requests:

import requests

base_url = "https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/"
input_name = "Saarland" #Brokopondo, Delaware (DE-SL, SR-BR, US-DE)
all_data = requests.get(base_url + f'/name/{input_name}').json()

all_data["DE-SL"] #subdivision data for Saarland
all_data["SR-BR"] #subdivision data for Brokopondo
all_data["US-DE"] #subdivision data for Delaware


$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/name/Saarland
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/name/Brokopondo
$ curl -i https://iso3166-2-api.vercel.app/api/name/Delaware


A demo of the software and API is available here.